Orgy Of Pigs - Soul Shatterer

Grief sits in my stomach
Like the foetus of an unborn child
Smashing through the boundaries

Emotions run riot, sanity defiles
Feel the weight pull me down
Into the bed where I lie
Vision distorted, flesh contorted
Pleading for the pain to subside
Questioning values, morals, beliefs
Most terrible of all, questioning me
Why this condemnation?
Why my soul to wreck?

Image of my own reflection
Hangs like a dead weight around my neck
It makes me want to scream
It makes me want to shout
It grabs me by the scruff of the neck
And shakes 'till the shit falls out
I die alone each and every night
But no one's there to see
No one there to share my panic
Waves of cold stark fear,
Breaking over me

Once more into the fray
Ripped apart at night
Drugged out all day
It leaves me with an empty space
Confusion, paranoia,
Dance around my head
Their jig sets me to crying
Tears I shed for myself long gone
One night they'll take me with them
And now I no longer care
This emotional brick wall
I've built around myself
It's groaning stone's
Too much to bear