Orgy Of Pigs - Before His Face

Highest and brightest of the Ninth order
Second in glory to he himself
Closest to all the powers
Master and mirror of his might
Created beautiful in his bliss
Deemed Lucifer, bearer of the light
Governor of the Heavenly host
The bright angel's head is turned

Scornful of his praises
Shall you sing your song
To god or me?

See the beauty that I bear
For I am the worthiest
That ever may be
A worthy a lord for sooth am I
And ever worthier than he
In evidence that I am just
I shall sit in god's throne
With him at my knee
The brightness of my body clear
Is brighter than god's,
A thousand fold

All the world's joy
Is marked for me
Beams of my brightest
Are burning so bright
In glorious gleam
I shall be like him
Who is highest on high
All angels turn to me I advise
And to your sovereign,
Bend your knee
If god should return
I shall not leave

But sit right here before his face
Resplendent in his rightful place